€77.7 million description of conditions for funding mission-driven science and innovation programmes was submitted for public discussion
€77.7 million will be allocated for mission-driven science and innovation programmes. In preparation for the launch of the new funding tool for addressing public concerns, the description of conditions for funding this project was submitted for public discussion.
“We are preparing for the launch of this new tool to make target investments in science and innovation while addressing relevant public concerns. We want to strengthen our country’s science and business partnership in a comprehensive way and accelerate the development of innovative services and products. We intend to launch the call for projects later this year, and our aim is to make the process as smooth as possible. Representatives of business and science can already get acquainted with the funding conditions and make comments and suggestions,” said Aušrinė Armonaitė, Minister of Economy and Innovation.
“I am delighted that science and business will join forces to address pressing societal concerns in three priority areas: health innovations, a climate-neutral Lithuania, and information technology. We hope that the competence centres that will be established under this project will produce science-based products that will contribute to high added value and the competitiveness of the Lithuanian economy. We aim to enable global competition and to bring partners together to solve pressing societal problems using scientific knowledge,” said Jurgita Šiugždinienė, Minister of Education, Science and Sport.
The description sets out the main conditions for funding missions: eligible activities, applicants, partners, funding intensity, reporting indicators, etc. Comments and observations on the description can be submitted until the 31st of October here. The approved description will guide the implementation of the measure by the public body Innovation Agency.
These missions are initiated by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The €77.7 million funding from the European Economic Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) will be allocated to three mission themes: a safe and inclusive e-society, a smart and climate-neutral Lithuania, and innovations for improving health.
The design of the mission programmes builds on the European Commission’s new practice of directing science and innovation to address societal challenges. The missions will be implemented by consortia, selected according to a tendering procedure, composed of research and study institutions and businesses. The consortia will also be open to other actors, such as non-governmental organisations and business associations.
The mission programmes will promote joint science and business projects, develop or commercialise start-up and business ideas, carry out research, improve skills, and fill existing gaps in services and infrastructure for research and experimental development activities. The projects will have to be completed within three years.
The public body Innovation Agency will be responsible for mobilising business and science consortia, selecting the best and most promising consortia, and supervising the implementation of the whole project of mission-driven science and innovation programmes. The Innovation Agency will, after the approval of the description of the project funding conditions, define the rules for the selection of mission consortia, which will guide the selection of consortia. The rules will set out the criteria for the selection of consortia and the evaluation of activities, the obligations of the consortia, etc.
Published by the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
Last updated: 31-10-2022
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