Political parties represented in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the parties), together with the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania, and the National Education Council,
agree on the following key commitments:
1. To take an integrated action and provide for pre-school education for all children. To ensure the coherence of pre-school, preprimary and primary education programmes, and to enable teachers to apply diverse education methods in education process. To guarantee safe education environment for all children, preventing bullying and violence, ensuring that all educators and other staff acquire and regularly improve socio-emotional and other competencies that allow recognising and responding to different education needs of children.
2. To develop, by 2024, a single quality standard for general education accessible to all children, both rural and urban, including foreign Lithuanians and children from ethnic communities and minorities, in response to the challenges of the 21st century, ensuring essential everyday skills (linguistic, natural science, information technology, financial, cultural and civic literacy), and competencies for complex real-world-problems, and fostering values needed to operate in a fast-paced, ever-changing world.
3. To ensure that all publicly funded public, municipal and private education providers participate in the education quality management system:
4. By the end of 2023, to pilot and roll out inclusive education measures in at least five municipalities of different type and their schools, and to consistently expand the network of schools practising inclusive education. To develop the system of education assistance across education establishments so that the number of children per one education assistance specialist does not exceed the requirement.
5. To systematically integrate cultural content, art forms and creativity-promoting methods in formal and non-formal education so as to provide for holistic education opportunities and address the most pressing education issues, including through the help of cultural and artistic creators, cultural and artistic institutions, non-governmental organisations and experienced teachers. In the training of teachers and the implementation of professional development programmes, to develop teachers’ skills to use creativity-geared techniques in the teaching process.
To seek quality implementation of cultural education and the cultural passport and their roll-out across all the education levels.
6. To carry out, by 2027, an integrated universal ICT literacy programme for all those who learn and study. To incorporate the development of essential ICT literacy competencies in pre-school education programmes.
7. To provide, by 2024, for career education, vocational guidance and counselling for all students through training of career professionals, a sustainable funding model, and the involvement of social stakeholders.
8. To organise at least half of vocational training programmes in a practical form (apprenticeships, on-the-job training, practical training, etc.), thereby raising the quality and attractiveness of vocational training.
9. To expand, by 2027, the non-formal education basket so as to include post-3 children, focusing on children from socially vulnerable families, or those with individual education needs. To introduce an achievement evaluation model allowing children in general education schools to build a basket from non-formally acquired competencies.
10. With a view to making teaching an attractive profession, to create clear career opportunities and provide for attractive working conditions:
11. From 2024, to introduce equal minimum requirements in higher education admissions, regardless of the funding of studies. For the purpose of widening the social dimension in higher education and introducing alternative admissions in higher education, to provide, by 2024, for increased access to higher education and equal opportunities for all those who meet the minimum level of skills to acquire higher education.
12. To revise the funding model for studies so that it better responds to the needs of society and market, is more embracive in terms of social dimension in higher education and is focused on quality training. By 2024, to chart and implement a financial scheme for quality in studies.
13. On R&D and artistic activity funding, by 2024, to introduce basic funding for R&D and artistic activity, along with the public competitive funding of science and funding of the results of research (art), which would consist of the requisite current funds from the state budget.
14. By 2024, to work out and launch a national programme in the field of science of education.
15. To strengthen, by 2024, career development of researchers, in line with the principles of the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area.
16. To develop and implement a scheme of earmarked financial support for lifelong learning (e.g., checks, basket (grants), individual accounts, etc.), enabling wide public access to support for education/learning and using it at personal discretion to acquire professional and general competencies. To develop learning opportunities for seniors (third century universities).
17. By 2024, to work out a system for the recognition of competencies gained through informal and non-formal learning and ensure its accessibility to all those who wish to continue learning in the formal education programme.
18. While maintaining education providers’ autonomy, to provide municipalities with higher independence and responsibility for reasonable use of education funds, efficiency of the network and education outcomes. To facilitate functional cooperation between municipalities in the field of education.
The commitments agreed in this document will require an increased funding for education, as set out below. The parties to this agreement recognise this and undertake to support relevant decisions required to ensure sustainable and equitable financing:
This agreement will be effective until 2030 and it will be enacted through required legislation and other decisions adopted by relevant public authorities, taking no account of election cycles, campaigns, outcomes and changes in political power, but involving social partners.
Over the duration of this agreement, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, together with the delegates of the parties signatories to this agreement, will annually assess progress of this agreement before the adoption of a national budget.
For the agreeing parties:
Chair of the Liberals Movement of the Republic of Lithuania Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen
Chair of the Freedom Party Aušrinė Armonaitė
Chair of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Vilija Blinkevičiūtė
Chair of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union Ramūnas Karbauskis
Deputy Chair of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė
Chair of the Labour Party Viktoras Uspaskich
[1] If a year is not specified in the agreement, it is presumed that the implementation is expected by the end of 2030. A specific year will be indicated only if the implementation of the action is expected before 2030.